
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Organizational Behavior Essay

organisational Behavior Instructor Rachana Misraraj celestial latitude 10, 2012 Organizational Behavior Analysis Organizational Behavior is the study and application of acquaintance about how masses, individuals, and groups bite in schemes. Organizational air is a misnomer. It is non the study of how systems serve, but rather the study of individual mien in an organisational setting.This ack straightwayledges the study of how individuals be confirm al angiotensin converting enzyme, as healthy as how individuals be sport in groups(Werthiem, 2004). The purpose of musical arrangemental fashion is to gain a greater understanding of those factors that decide individual and group dynamics in an judicatureal setting so that individuals and the groups and physical compositions to which they belong whitethorn be issue more in force(p) and effective.The field in like manner intromits the analysis of establishmental factors that may take on an influence upon individual an d group demeanor. Much of brassal behavior research is lastly aimed at providing human resource arguement professionals with the information and tools they need to select, train, and guard employees in a fashion that yields maximum benefit for the individual employee as well as for the organization.The purpose of the paper below is to analyze the organizational behavior of my current or former employer (current Street, Water, and Sewer Department for my town), by describing how to each one of the components listed below influences the behavior of the organization in a oppose or electro authoritative manner, and they include, the Type of finish (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ) Modes of discourse (Describe the prevalent intercourse form utilize, e. g. written or vocal) Nature of permission (recognized social rank) Motivational techniques (Describe the penuryal impetuous forces e. g.Intrinsic or adventitious apply to influence productivity and performance? ) Are as of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence) and How atomic number 18 the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces juvenile paradigms such as tele relieve oneselfing and virtual offices? ). Grasping a complex and knowledgeable understanding on why, when, where and how, organizational behavior functions and operates, washstand submit great tools and skills to an individual or organization to better manage behavior and productivity within a troupe.I currently work at for as a laborer for the Water/Sewer department for my county/town. As a subdivision of the STREET department which is responsible for the maintenance and holdfast of City roads and right-of- styluss maintenance and repair of drainage located on City property installation and maintenance of signs and roadway markings and removal of reversal and ice. The Employees operates, maintains and repairs various machinery, tools, and equipment. As for the water supply department, this position is responsible for maintenance and repair of Citys WATERLINE system.Installs any and all hot additions to the existing distribution system as well as performs requirement maintenance and or repairs to any part of the water distribution system. Performs heterogeneous duties such as operating and repairing equipment, general clean up, concrete finishing, painting, and so out Uses various get through with(predicate) tools, power tools, heavy equipment and machinery. As a member of the WASTEWATER(Sewer)Department which is responsible for maintenance and repair of the Citys throne annotation system. Employee performs necessary maintenance, repairs, and/or replacement of sewer system components.Employee uses various glove tools, power tools, heavy equipment, trucks, and machinery. Employee performs miscellaneous duties such as operating and repairing equipment, general clean up, concrete finishing, paintin g, etc. Good confabulations skills atomic number 18 unavoidable as this position frequently deals directly with the public. The primary hours of this position argon Monday through Friday during the day however, extended shifts and overtime on weekends, evenings, and holidays may be required. Therefore organizational behavior skills are a must.Type of agriculture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ) Culture potbelly be defined as the cultivated behavior that is socially transmitted. It involves the accumulation of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, religion, relations, concepts of the universe, values, meanings, usances, notions of time, relations, material possessions and objects acquired and a way of support of a group of people throughout the generations. When it comes to the type of culture on my business enterprise I would have to describe it as a pluralism type of culture. This refers to the type of culture whereby smaller groups of people within a large societ y tend to maintain their unique culture identities and their values, behaviors and identities are well accepted by the wider society or culture. The minor groups of people participate fully within the dominant society while quieten maintaining their cultural differences. It involves coexistent of different cultures in a location without the domineer of one particular culture.The human differences that exist are accepted by the majority and hence it eliminates discrimination in the form of racialism or sexism. It show likewise be refereed to as multiculturalism (Henry, 2011). Within the three departments that I participate and work in, in that location are 5 different nationalities of doers who coincide within the organization, and they include African American, Mexican, Caucasian, Latino, and American Indian. Each and either one of these individuals, have their own way of living, eating, etc..But when allone clocks in in the morning, we are all one cohesive group, who kno ws that the main culture is to come to work, be impregnable, respect your fellow co-worker, get the job done in a professional manner, and most importantly be in the ruff interest of the tax payers and the town in general, while at the equivalent time excepting who each individual is a someone, where they come from, and their cultural differences. This influences the company in a positive manner because, it incorporates good behavior on the job, respect for the job, positive progress for the people participating at the job, and goal completion.Modes of colloquy (Describe the dominant communication form used, e. g. written or verbal) colloquy consists of transmitting, receiving, and processing information. In organizations, communications flow between individuals, between levels in the organizational hierarchy, between departments, and between the company and outside publics. Effective communication has often been linked to inter individualal and company success (Baak, 2012). dialogue is of towering importance on any job, especially the one that I work for, due to the risks that are associated with the work and projects that we take on. Even though we may use written communication from time to time, describing what our daily goals and tasks are, verbal communication is the dominant mode of communication throughout the organization. Whether it be verbal or non verbal, both revolve or so the importance of everyone, working in synchronize with one another and most importantly working safely almost your fellow co-worker.One example is, when we are replacing larger water lines (12 inches in diameter) within a trench, which may be at a depth of 2ft to 14ft. Therefore, when a worker is in the trench digging around and locating the pipe, there must to be a competent person at the top of the trench looking for cracks or imperfections in the walls, where a potential cave in could happen, injuring or killing the person in the hole. So, verbal communication is regularly used when there is no machinery running, and you have to frighten the workers of a hard situation.And non-verbal communication is used, when a gas provide saw is in operation to cut a pipe, in which, the worker cannot hear you verbally, thus non verbal serves and communication are used to alarm the worker of potential danger and they are pulled out of the trench out front anything catastrophic occurs. On that note, this influences the company on a postive level, because, both verbal and non-verbal communication is the dominant and vital mode of communication, that provides protection for a safe work environment. Nature of authority (recognized social rank)The nature of authority is also very important on my job because, each individual prise the fact that one should not go over the abutting persons taper of authority, or having curiosity about a co-workers way of life without discussing it with them first. Because, there are individuals on the job who have been the re 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, etc, therefore when you join a team or a group of people, you become part of that organizations social system, and you must adjust and rival to that world of work. The variables in an organizational system operate in a working balance called social equilibrium.Individuals make a psychological signalize that defines their personal relationship with the system. When they stomach to the organizations success, we call their behavior functional. The broad environment that people live in is their social culture, and a major transport in it can lead to cultural shock. hoi polloi need to accept and appreciate the value that cultural differences can contribute to the success of an organization (www. angel fire. com). Other important cultural factors include the work ethic and corporate attitudes toward social responsibility.Role is the pattern of action expected of a person in activities involving others. Related ideas are role perceptions mentors, role conflict, and role ambiguity. Status is the social rank of a person in a group, and it leads to status systems and possibly status anxiety. Organizational cultures beam the assumptions and values that guide a firm. They are intangible but hefty influences on employee behavior. Participants learn about their organizations culture through the process of socialization and influence it through individualization (www. angel fire. com). On that note, the nature of authority can be both positive and negative, because, from a negative standpoint it can be used for growth in power in domination. But from a positive standpoint, it can be sued for uplifting other coworkers, by improvising their skills, capabilities and more importantly, their motivational drive on the job. Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e. g. Intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance? ) Due to the constant and unpredictable adjustments that my organization goes t hrough, behavior can change in a instant, with each and every individual on the job.Therefore, motivational techniques are a concurrent thing, on a day to day basis. There is no doubt that motivation is the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is driven by an interest or reverement in the actions required to achieve a goal, without relying on external rewards or pressures (Amin, 2011). In my organization the motivational driving force is intrinsic, because pride is everything to a man more than anything, therefore everyone on the job feels a sense of obligation to achieve the goals presented to them to their best ability. productivity and performance stays at an all time high and positive level, thus, whatever daily goal is presented to us, is handled with confidence and integrity. Our motivation consist of reminding ourselves that what we do, is what we screw to do, what we do is appreciated by the tax payers & family and most importantly we enjoy conditioned that our skills and capabilities are worth the time and effort that we put forth to learn and achieve the skills and tools to complete present and future organizational objectives. Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence) Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers bespeak that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others rubric it is an inborn characteristic. And it consists of four branches that include perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions (Cherry, 2012). Based on the high demands of my job, my co-workers and myself included, may at times have high emotions about whether something on the job is not going right, and show some form of frustration without even knowing it sometimes.Therefore my our organization constant ly issues EQ (emotional intelligence ), reminder courses, that helps the crews remark a stable mind set when working in dangerous areas, and if something goes wrong, we use the EQ tools to control and manage our emotions for the sake/safety of our well being the others that are around. EQ classes have been very positive for the organization over the past 5 years, and every since the integration there have been no altercations, accidents, or incidents on the job at all.A century% success rate. How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces sunrise(prenominal) paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices? ) Traditional brick and daub businesses may become a thing of the past. Todays upstart oeuvre has embraced the virtual environment. The ultimate goal of the virtual organization is to provide innovative, high-quality products or services instantaneously in response to customer demands (Hamilton, 2012). On that note, my orga nization has embraced the components of a virtual organization on a very positive and useful level. For example, in the Water/sewer department, we are responsible for the distribution of bills/and cut-off notices for the water use throughout the city. For decades, this task was done by hand by hand I mean driving to each and every house in the city, knocking on the door, and handing the customer their water/sewer bill for that month. Ever since the company embraced the components of a virtual organization, these tasks are now obsolete.Now we contact the customers, through email, text messaging, and voicemails. When the customer has a indecision about their bill, they are able to contact the office and have a videoconference with the workers in the water/sewer department, to discuss whatever problem they are having with their water/sewer bill, or their water/sewer in general. My organization has also embrace the concept of a virtual organization in the street department. When there is a down power line, streetlight, street sign, block up up drain pipes, etc. my organization has integrated a beacon system that alerts us when any of these incidents have occurred and in what area. totally we have to do is acknowledge the beacon alert, log on to our computers, locate the problem, and conk to fix the issue at hand. Integrating the components of a virtual organization has been immensely helpful and positive to our over all daily tasks and duties. In conclusion, Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations.The purpose of organizational behavior is to gain a greater understanding of those factors that influence individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting so that individuals and the groups and organizations to which they belong may become more businesslike and effective. Culture can be defined as the cultivated behavior that is socially transmitted. It involves the a ccumulation of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, religion, relations, concepts of the universe, values, meanings, roles, notions of time, relations, material possessions and objects acquired and a way of life of a group of people throughout the generations.When it comes to the type of culture on my job I would have to describe it as a pluralism type of culture. Communication consists of transmitting, receiving, and processing information. In organizations, communications flow between individuals, between levels in the organizational hierarchy, between departments, and between the company and outside publics. Effective communication has often been linked to interpersonal and company success. The nature of authority is also very important on my job because, each individual view the fact hat one should not go over the next persons head of authority, or having curiosity about a co-workers way of life without discussing it with them first. Due to the constant and unpredictable adjustments that my organization goes through, behavior can change in a instant, with each and every individual on the job. Therefore, motivational techniques are a concurrent thing, on a day to day basis. Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. And it consists of four branches that include perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. Traditional brick and mortar businesses may become a thing of the past. Todays modern workplace has embraced the virtual environment. The ultimate goal of the virtual organization is to provide innovative, high-quality products or services instantaneously in response to customer demands.All in all the purpose of the paper above, was to analyze the organizational behavior of my current or former employer (current Street , Water, and Sewer Department for my town), by describing how each of the components listed below influences the behavior of the organization in a negative or positive manner, and they include, the Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ) Modes of communication (Describe the dominant communication form used, e. g. written or verbal) Nature of authority (recognized social rank) Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e. . Intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance? ) Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence) and How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces new paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices? ). Grasping a complex and knowledgeable understanding on why, when, where and how, organizational behavior functions and operates, can provide great tools and skills to an individual or organization to better manage behavior and productivity within a company.References Amin,. (July 21, 2011). Motivate your team intrinsically or extrinsically? Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http//blog. 7geese. com/2011/07/21/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-motivation/ Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc Cherry, K. (2012). What Is Emotional knowledge? Definitions, History, and Measures of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http//psychology. about. com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/emotionalintell. htm Hamilton, D. Dr. (April 23, 2012). Todays Organizations Embracing Virtual Business.Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http//drdianehamilton. wordpress. com/2012/04/23/todays-organizations-embracing-virtual-business/ Henry,. (April 4, 2004). Culture Definitions and Types. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http//language. ezinemark. com/culture-definitions-and-types-17b25a011fd. html Wertheim, E. G. (February 22, 2004). Historical Ba ckground of Organizational Behavior. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http//ehcweb. ehc. edu/faculty/ljcumbo/downfiles/historyofOB. pdf http//www. angelfire. com/blues/cannonsessays/org_behavior/ORGANIZATIONAL_BEHAV

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